Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag
Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag

IVA inclusa


Triple Decker Heir To The Throne Golf Bag

100% PU 

Hardware in metallo color canna di fucile 

Dettaglio logo in rilievo

Dettagli bocca di squalo 


- Top organizzativo a 8 vie
- 7 tasche con cerniera 
- Tracolla imbottita a 3 punti
- Maniglia retrattile 
- Passo rotante 
- Anello per asciugamani 
- Cappuccio antipioggia 
Misure: H 35" x L 9,5" x P 16,5" 

Peso: 10,8 libbre 

tsa lock instructions